Basen Encoding

This post will cover functionality of the class.

##BaseEncoding class Provides functionality to encode and decode data using BaseN encoding. Uses lookup tables to speedup decoding of the data. Supports following encodings:

#####Encode and decode

	class Program
		static void Main()
			// 0 get some data to test from string
			var initialData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("some text");

			// 1 encode data with Base64 MIME encoding
			var encodedData = Base64Encoding.Mime.Encode(initialData);

			// 2 decode data with Base64 MIME encoding
			var decodedData = Base64Encoding.Mime.Decode(encodedData);

			// 3 get string representation of the decoded data
			var actualData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decodedData);

			// 4 write results
			Console.WriteLine($"Encoded data: '{encodedData}'\r\nDecoded data: '{actualData}'");

result will be the following:

Encoded data: 'c29tZSB0ZXh0'
Decoded data: 'some text'

BaseEncoding supports writing of custom encodings.

Written on May 1, 2015